Oh me goth, I haven't been on here for like, an eternity!
But today in math I had a pen so I drew a line and blood coming out of it. But then later today in core I had scissors and I was(kinda)pretending to cut myself where the line was, and I actually cut myself.... lol
Also today in math I was sitting next to my friend Maddy(as usual)and this other dude named Riely(whos pretty much a rapist)was trying to guess who Maddy liked and she wouldn't tell him cause he's a rapist, and he thought that she wrote it on her arm(which she didn't, she wrote "Will you go out with me?"). Then he asked me if I knew, and I said yes. He asked who and I said it was me...(it's actually not) and then he asked Maddy if it was true and she said it was and wrote my name on her arm, then asked me out, well, showed me her arm. But I said "I'm sorry, I'm going out with your ex" and we both laughed.